
Return Policy

Last updated February 5, 2024

Thank you for your purchase. We hope you are happy with your purchase. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to us for a full refund or an exchange. Please see below for more information on our return policy.


All products are eligible for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. Proof of payment is required in the form of a product invoice. These are delivered to you when you first purchased the product. If you cannot locate this invoice, you will need to provide the name and email that you purchased a product.

Some courses are backed by a 90-day guarantee, as mentioned on the related sales pages. The same requirements as mentioned above are required to request a refund within your 90-day window.

Refund Process

After receiving a request to refund a purchase, please allow up to seven (7) days from the receipt of your request for the refund to be processed. You will receive email confirmation that your product has been refunded by customer support.


You will not be eligible for a refund within the 30-day refund if:

  • The 30-day window has expired. (Ex. Requesting a refund 31 days after the original purchase.)
  • The product you are trying to return is excluded from the refund policy, as mentioned clearly on the sales page.

You are not eligible for a refund within the 90-day refund window if:

  • You have viewed 50% or more of the course materials within the 90-day period. (Ex. requesting a refund after 70 days and have viewed 60% of the course materials)
  • The course you are trying to return is not backed by the 90-day guarantee, as mentioned on the sales page.


If you have any questions concerning our return policy, please contact us at:

[email protected]

Or see our FAQ here on our contact page.